Hello, World!

Vendor Guidelines

Please see our guidlines for detailed vendor information, before filling out our Vendor Application. Check out our Vendor FAQ section if you still have questions.

Harrisonburg Farmers Market Guidelines
  • The Harrisonburg Farmers Market was founded on the Producer-Only Principle which means that vendors agree to sell only products that they have raised or produced. In other words, all products are Home Grown, Home Made, or Hand Made by the vendor. This is also mandated by the City Ordinance. Selling of items purchased from, or provided by, another producer, wholesaler or market is not permitted.
  • The HFM is committed to quality, uniqueness, and localness and these factors are taken into consideration when accepting applicants.
  • Products may not be represented as organic unless the producer/farm can provide certification papers. Terms such as “minimal chemicals,” “no pesticides or herbicides,” or “free-range” may be used as long as they accurately reflect farming practices.
  • Handcrafts at the Market must be the vendor's own creation. The use of pre-printed fabric cut outs, kits or pre-assembled parts is not acceptable, and vendors are to create products that are uniquely theirs and represent the term “handcrafted” in every way.
  • Vendors that wish to add a product during the year that is not on their application must fill out a “New Product Application Form” and turn it in to Management for consideration by the Application Committee. Vendors must wait to sell their new product until it is approved.
  • Vendors agree to site and product inspections.
  • Farm Products
  • On Site Prepared Foods
  • Value Added Products
  • Crafts
  • The HFM strives to maintain a 60% minimum of farm products and 40% other categories.
  • Vending is limited to producers living in the Counties of Rockingham, Augusta, Shenandoah, Page, and any cities existing within the boundaries of these counties. Proximity to Harrisonburg may be factored in as spaces become limited.
  • Producers from other regional areas with products that would broaden or enhance the diversity of the Market may be permitted upon approval of the Application Committee.
  • Applicants with storefronts will be considered by the Application Committee on a case-by-case basis.
  • Value Added and On Site Prepared Food Producers that source locally/grow locally are given priority (e.g. a prepared food vendor that sources locally is preferred over a prepared food vendor that only sources from a supermarket).
  • A site visit must be made before a vendor begins selling.
  • It is recommended that applicants are as descriptive as possible and provide photos and/or samples of their product.
  • Accepted vendors will be asked to submit a follow up application providing permit numbers, Certificate of Insurance, space preference, etc. and will be sent after acceptance to the vendor by Management.
  • Current vendors must resubmit an application annually. The applications will only apply for the year in which they are submitted, and are due by March 1st. Management will send access to the application through email. Returning vendors in good standing are given priority. Returning vendors are held to the same standard as new applicants.
  • Vendors are required to have a functioning email and phone number.
  • HFMA’s Insurance Policy requires that all vendors have a general liability policy of at least 1 million dollars that lists HFMA as an additional insured.
  • Management must receive a copy of the Certificate of Insurance (COI). An electronic copy submitted with an application or email is preferred, but hard copies can be accepted.
  • The current COI must be with the vendor and available at all times during the Market.
  • All vendors must obtain a Producer’s Permit from the Commissioner of Revenue’s Office in the City Municipal Office Complex. This permit is free of charge, is achieved in person, and must be obtained annually.
  • 409 S Main St., Harrisonburg, VA 22801
  • (540) 432-7795
  • The Producer’s Permit must be with the vendor and available at all times during the Market.
  • Vendors of handcrafts must obtain a Retail Merchants License from the Commissioner of Revenue’s Office in the City Municipal Office Complex. This permit is achieved in person, and must be obtained annually.
  • 409 S Main St., Harrisonburg, VA 22801
  • (540) 432-7795
  • This Retail Merchants License must be with the vendor and available at all times during the Market (if applicable).
  • State Law requires vendors to register with the Virginia Department of Taxation, and to collect and report sales taxes. This responsibility rests with each vendor.
  • Virginia Department of Taxation
    PO Box 1114, Richmond, VA 23218-1115
    (804) 367-8037
  • The Sales Tax Permit must be with the vendor and available at all times during the Market.
  • General Sales Tax Rate: 5.3%
  • Food & Personal Hygiene Items Sales Tax Rate: 1%
  • Harrisonburg Food & Beverage Tax: 7%
  • Cooking is permitted at the Market on a case-by-case basis with prior approval from the Manager and the Application Committee.
  • For on-site food preparation inspection contact the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) to obtain Temporary Food Establishment, TFE, certificates.
  • Harrisonburg Environmental Health Department - (540) 574-5200
  • All applicable inspection certificates must be in place, with the vendor and available at all times during the market.
  • All food items are subject to Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) and/or Health Department regulations. It is the responsibility of each producer to be knowledgeable of, and abide by, all regulations pertinent to their individual operation, including labeling of products.
  • If 25% or more of the vendor’s annual Market income is from prepared food or baked goods sales, they must have a VDACS inspected kitchen.
  • Foods prepared before the Market must be made in a VDACS inspected facility.
  • Contact VDACS with any questions or to get the packet for setting up a kitchen inspection.
  • VDACS - (540) 562-3641
  • VDACS Handbook For Small Food Manufacturers
  • Meat: Meat products must be processed through a USDA certified facility.
  • Poultry: Poultry vendors must obtain a Poultry Processing Certificate or Exemption through VDACS.
  • Produce: Produce growers must obtain a Produce Safety Certificate or Exemption (link to Produce Safety Certificate or Exemption).
  • All applicable inspection certificates must be in place, with the vendor and available at all times during the Market.
  • Age restricted products are allowable for sale at the Market if: Vendor and products comply with all state and federal regulations with regards to producing, processing, and selling.
  • It is the vendor’s responsibility to comply with and inform the Market of all updated regulations regarding the producing, processing, and sale of age restricted product(s).
  • The vendor assumes all liability for any infringement of state and federal regulations.
  • All applicable certificates and or licenses must be in place, with the vendor and available at all times during the Market.
  • Annual Association Dues/Yearly Booth Fee & Membership
    • Vendors are required to pay Annual Association Dues which are based on the type of space they wish to occupy.
    • Dues are due March 1st for returning vendors or prior to the first day of selling for new vendors.
    • See ‘Booths/Spaces’ section for pricing.
    • As a member of the HFMA, you will receive a HFMA bumper sticker and one vote towards any membership decision.
  • Membership
    • A vendor is considered a member if: they have paid a yearly membership fee, is in accordance with guidelines, has consistent attendance during the Regular Market season and is in good standing with the Market.
  • Sales Fees
    • A 5% sales fee of gross sales (after sales tax) are required for each day of HFM attendance. All goods transferred at the HFM must be included. This includes CSA and pre-ordered product pickups.
    • Sales fees are collected monthly. They are due no later than the 3rd Saturday of the following month. They can be handed in to Management or sent to HFMA’s PO Box (mailing address).
    • Monthly calculation sheets can be obtained through the For Vendors GoogleDrive, email, or hard copy at the Market Booth.
    • Fees should be rounded to the nearest dollar.
  • Late Fees
    • A $10 late fee will be due for any fees that are late.
    • Vendors selling fees that are more than 1 month late are subject to a $50 late fee. When a vendor has 3 unpaid months, they shall not be allowed to vend until all selling and late fees are paid.
  • Full Year Memberships
    • Pavilion 10’x10’ $200.00
    • Pavilion 10’x15’ $350.00 **
    • Pavilion Central Corner Space (4) $350.00 **
    • Overflow 10’x10’ $100.00
    • Pavilion 5’x10’ $100.00 **
    • Tuesday Market only $100.00
  • Seasonal Memberships
    • Holiday Market only $50.00
    • Winter Market only $50.00
  • ** available with the following considerations: sales revenue in the previous year, consistency of attendance, participation in the Tuesday and Winter Markets, pleasing display, and adequate product to fill the space
  • All Pavilion vendors must have sold $3,000 in the previous year to retain the Pavilion spot. If not, they will have the option to go to a ½ space in the Pavilion or move to the overflow. In the case of extreme personal difficulties related to health, family, etc., exceptions may be granted on a case-by-case basis, upon review by the Application Committee.
  • Management has the authority to determine vendor locations based on the benefit of the Market as a whole. Seniority at the Market will be given consideration and will be honored as possible.
  • All products, displays, tables, equipment, and signage must be restricted to the space assigned to each vendor by the Market Manager.
  • Committed attendance and communication during the vendor’s entire Market season is required.
  • Attendance Forms will be emailed to vendors 3 months at a time. Vendors are expected to complete the form to the best of their knowledge when they will be present and absent. Emails, texts, or calls notifying management of planned absences after submission of the Attendance Form are also welcome.
  • If a vendor must leave early for some reason, they must notify management by 5:00pm the day before the Market.
  • Notification for last-minute or emergency Market absences can be sent through email by 5:00pm the day before any Market. After 5:00pm, a call or text is expected.
  • A 36-hour notice is required for all absences other than emergencies. Less notice will result in an absence being treated as a no-show. After one no-show, the vendor will be issued a warning. After the second no-show, a $50.00 fine will be charged. The vendor must pay before they can vend again.
  • Only last-minute circumstances completely out of the vendor’s control and National Weather Service warnings one hour prior to Market will qualify as emergencies. In the case of extreme weather such as snow, ice, flooding, etc., vendor discretion will be honored one hour prior to any Market. The vendor still needs to call or text management to make them aware of the absence.
  • Market maps will be sent through email to vendors the week of the Market. Additionally, there will be a hard copy available at the Market Booth and a copy available on the “For Vendors” GoogleDrive.
  • Vendors are expected to set up in their assigned space within their space allotments.
  • Vendors may begin set up as early as necessary and are expected to be setup by the beginning of the Market (9:00am December-March 1 & 8:00am April-November).
  • Teardown may not begin until 1:00.
  • Parking
    • Saturday Regular Markets: Vendors and any market workers should park in the Daily News Record parking lot located across from the Pavilion.
    • Tuesday and Winter Markets: Vendors and any market workers should park behind their booth or in the Overflow spaces located on the south side of the Pavilion. Parking in the Daily News Record lots is not permitted on Tuesdays.
    • Vendors or market workers should never park in the first row of spaces on the North side of the Pavilion or in the lots surrounding the Pavilion.
  • Scales
    • Scales used at the Market are subject to inspection by the Bureau of Weights and Measures and must be legal for commercial use.
    • Please contact the Virginia Weights and Measures Association with any questions or concerns.
      • Phone: (804) 786-2476
      • Email: gary.milton@vdacs.virginia.gov
  • Canopy Weights
    • All vendors using canopies are required to secure all four corners of their canopy with secure anchor or weights of at least 30 pounds on or near the ground.
    • If a canopy is not weighted, it must be taken down.
    • After a vendor’s second warning, a $10 fee will be applied.
  • Use of Electricity
    • All vendors have access to electricity.
    • Electricity is for scales, calculators, and other direct selling aids. Use of electric space heaters will NOT be permitted. Small propane heaters, etc., that are not electric are acceptable. Exceptions to this due to health issues/special needs will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
    • Any vendor needing the use of more than one receptacle will need to have permission from Management.
  • Sampling
    • All samples are to be confined to within the vendor’s allotted market space. Roving samples are not permitted.
  • Tokens
    • Vendors can turn in their tokens whenever the vendor would like to be reimbursed by the Market at the Market Booth. The vendor will be written a check to pick up at the Market Booth the following week. If the vendor would like the reimbursement mailed, the vendor should inform Management by email or at the Market when they turn the tokens in.
    • SNAP Tokens (Red): The Market is a certified SNAP retailer and accepts all forms of EBT/SNAP/Food Stamp benefits.
      • Vendors can receive these tokens as compensation for food products ONLY.
      • If a vendor does not sell food products, the vendor should not accept these as payment and will not be reimbursed if turned in.
    • MATCH Tokens (Blue): The Market is proud a partner of Virginia Fresh Match and has been provided with funds from the Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive Grant to match every SNAP dollar.
      • Vendors can only receive these tokens as compensation for fresh fruits and vegetables ONLY.
      • If a vendor does not sell fresh fruit or vegetables, the vendor should not accept these as payment and will not be reimbursed if turned in.
    • Credit/Debit Tokens (Green $5 and Black $10): The Market processes credit and debit cards at the Market Booth for customers that do not have cash and for vendors that do not accept cards.
      • All vendors are required to accept these tokens.
  • Gift Certificates
    • All vendors are required to accept gift certificates and give cash change to the customer if the full amount is not used.
    • Vendors can use the gift certificate towards their selling fees (preferred) or turned in for cash reimbursement.
  • Communication
    • Good communication is essential for the Market to run effectively and to provide the best experience for vendors and customers. Email is the best method for Market wide communication and is HFM’s primary means of communication.
    • Vendors are expected to check email at least once weekly while selling at the HFM.
    • Members are expected to read and respond, if necessary, to all emails with the subject line “HFMA Updates.”
    • All necessary information, documents, policies, links, etc. will be sent through email and available in the “For Vendors” GoogleDrive, and/or handed out in person at the Market.
    • The Market Manager is available for vendors and customers to communicate with for support, concerns, questions, etc.
    • Vendors must ensure that all pertinent Market information is communicated to employees/staff representing their business at the Market. This includes, but is not limited to, the proper use of tokens, gift certificates, the rules of good customer service and product knowledge. Additionally, it is important that employees/staff are informed of products, practices, and can answer customer questions.
Market Conduct
  • Respect all personal, societal, and cultural differences.
  • Treat all parties with kindness, respect, and dignity.
  • Do your best to assume good intent and accept responsibility for impact.
  • Act with integrity and professionalism.
  • Speak directly to the other party in an honest and respectful manner if an issue or concern arises. If needed, Management or the Personnel Committee are available for help or support. Any difficult, upsetting, or potentially conflictive conversations are to be conducted outside of Market operation.
Market Policies
  • If a disturbance occurs at the Market, the Market Manager should be notified immediately.
  • Behavior by vendors or customers, judged to be disruptive or detrimental to the peaceful operation of the Market will not be allowed. The Market Management, staff and/or Board reserve the right to ask any vendor or customer to leave at any time.
  • The HFMA is an equal opportunity workplace. Discrimination of any sort will not be tolerated.
  • Producers found in violation of the Producer-Only Principle will be asked to remove the item(s) in question and/or relinquish their space and forfeit any fees paid to the Market. Complaints of suspected violations must be formally submitted to the Market Manager. Complaints will be kept confidential and a site visit may be scheduled.
  • Solicitations, campaigning, leafleting or electioneering are strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to political, religious or other potentially divisive issues. ‘Solicitation’ and ‘divisive issues’ are up to the interpretation of management and the board. If a vendor does not agree, they are welcome to take their concern to management and/or the board.
  • Vendors’ signage may only pertain to a vendor’s business or product.
  • It is acceptable to have business fliers, business cards, and other information about off sales sites to share with individual customers. Vendors with other businesses are allowed to promote their business at the HFM only if they are willing to promote the Market equally at their business.
  • All vendors agree to random, unannounced site visits.
  • Any vendors wishing to sell items such as t-shirts, bags or other items with their individual logo are required to submit their logo design and products to the Manager for approval.
  • Any vendor who is preparing food or preparing samples must have a hand washing station at their booth and must be in compliance with Food Safety policies.
  • Social Media
    • All vendors are invited to post/tag/mention/etc. HFM social media.
    • Vendors are invited to send in weekly submissions for the HFM newsletter. Submission reminders are sent out weekly via email.
    • Vendors must let Management know if they are not comfortable having their products and/or business photographed and mentioned on social media.
  • Vendors must be aware that their business and behavior on and off line is a reflection on the HFMA and should be mindful of that.
  • The use of tobacco products including: vape pens, electronic cigarettes, cigarettes, chew, or snuff, is prohibited while at a vendor’s booth.
  • The use of alcohol or illegal substances is prohibited while vending.
  • Any unsafe or unsanitary conditions should be brought to the immediate attention of the Market Manager.
  • Animal Policy for Customers
    • Service animals are always accepted.
    • Leashes over 6 feet are not permitted.
    • Please only bring socialized animals. If you are unsure, please do not bring your animal.
    • Please clean up after your animals.
    • Animals may not come in contact with any food or merchandise.
    • Owners are responsible for any damage caused or contaminated products.
    • Animals may never enter the restricted vendor area, which is behind vendor booths.
  • Animal Policy for Vendors
    • Vendors should display their products in a manner that minimizes potential for damage by dogs and children.
    • Vendors are not allowed to have pets or live animals of any kind at the Market unless they are a service animal and the vendor can provide proper paperwork.
  • Any or all of the following disciplinary actions may be taken by the Market Manager, staff and/or Board as a result of a Guideline violation:
    • Verbal warning
    • Written warning
    • Require a letter of apology to the injured party
    • Repair of or restitution for property damage
    • Referral to appropriate law enforcement agency or other authority
    • Future actions the Manager or Board deems appropriate.
  • Rules and regulations shall be consistently applied to all members.
  • Any member who disputes a disciplinary action may appeal to the Board.
  • These disciplinary actions will only be taken with a vote made by the Board of Directors.
    • Probation for a specified period of time with the understanding that another violation will lead to more serious disciplinary action
    • Suspension from the Market for a period of time
    • Removal from the Market
Board, Governance, Management & Staff
  • The Board is the governing body of the HFM and operates under and in accordance with our ByLaws and Articles of Incorporation.
  • The Board consists of 9 members consisting of 8 vendors and 1 community member.
  • The Board generally meets on a monthly basis.
  • Any vendor is welcome to observe a meeting or come with a topic they would like to discuss. If the vendor has a topic of input or concern, the member must contact the Board President or Market Manager at least one week in advance to indicate their topic.
  • Board members typically serve 2 year terms and terms are staggered.
  • Board Member elections take place at the Annual Meeting.
  • Officers are elected at the subsequent Board Meeting following the Annual Meeting. Officers include President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
  • Board and Committee Members commit to prioritizing the wellbeing of the association as a whole over their own personal gain.
  • Management & Staff
    • The Harrisonburg Farmers Market Association employs a Market Manager and staff to handle operation of the Harrisonburg Farmers Market.
    • Anyone is welcome to reach out to the Market Manager or staff with any question, concern, input, comments, feedback, etc. at any time.
    • The Market Manager and staff will always be safe and compassionate people for vendors and customers to confide in.
    • The Market Manager and staff work to support the mission, values, and goals of HFMA.
    • The Market Manager and staff are the enforcers of these rules, regulations, and procedures.
    • The Market Manager and staff may call upon the assistance of vendors, Board Members, Members, and outside experts to carry out HFMA responsibilities.
  • Committees
    • Application Committee - Market Manager, 2 Board Members, General Member
    • Facilities Committee - 3 Board Members
    • Personnel Committee - 3 Board Members
    • The Market Manager and staff work alongside all committees as necessary.
  • Annual Meeting
    • The Annual Meeting takes place in January. It is a time for the Association to come together, elect new Board Members, reflect on the year, prepare for the upcoming season, receive information, have questions answered, vote on membership related agenda topics and hang out with each other outside of the Market.
    • All members are invited to participate and to vote. Each vendor receives one vote.
    • Information about the Annual Meeting will be communicated through email.

Vendor Application